
Empower your life with evidence based equine experiential Paychotherapy.

Equine Experiential Learning an Evidence-Based Modality.

The psychosocial effects of equine experiential learning include:

  • improved self-esteem

  • self-confidence

  • empowerment

  • a sense of self-presence

  • feelings of freedom, independence and competency.

  • Horses can recognize human emotions and respond in an intentional way.

  • Reports of human participants bonding with the horse are present in qualitative and quantitative research.

  • Research has found that the bond is similar to a mother-child relationship explained by attachment theory.

Bachi, K. (2013). Equine-facilitated prison-based programs within the context of prison-based animal programs: State of the science review. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 52(1), 46-74.

Smith, A. V., Proops, L., Grounds, K., Wathan, J., & McComb, K. (2016). Functionally relevant responses to human facial expressions of emotion in the domestic horse (Equus caballus). Biology letters, 12(2), 20150907.

Tan, V. X. L., & Simmonds, J. G. (2018). Parent perceptions of psychosocial outcomes of equine-assisted interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 48(3), 759-769.

White-Lewis S. (2019). Equine-assisted therapies using horses as healers: A concept analysis. Nursing open, 7(1), 58–67.